Watch our Video and You’ll Learn:
- You The Difference Between Electric And Gas Line.
- Learn How We Install Gas Line Safely.
- Safety Methods On Installing Gas Line.
Do you have an electric stove and want to switch to a gas range? We can help! Check out this brand new gas line installation that we completed in Bloomington, Minnesota last week! \ Visit us online! Intro slate: Archer Film Co. Music: #gasline #gasrange #airtest #plumbers #plumbing #plumbinglife #plumbersofyoutube #plumbing101 #eagamn #eagan #plumbingshop #championplumbing #plumbingproblems #plumbingissues #plumbingsolutions #plumbingwin #gasappliance
Watch our Video and You’ll Learn:
- You The Difference Between Electric And Gas Line.
- Learn How We Install Gas Line Safely.
- Safety Methods On Installing Gas Line.
Enjoy this transcript below!
Trey: Hey, everybody. It’s Trey with Champion Plumbing.
Today we are in Bloomington, Minnesota, putting another gas line in for a customer who has currently an electric range and they want to switch to gas. Gas is cheaper, and a lot of people, including myself, like to cook with it as opposed to cooking on the electric.
So we’ve got air on this. We’re waiting for the inspector. Can’t really get it zoomed in there, but we got 50 pounds of air on it. The appliance only runs at half a pound of pressure, but we test the line a lot higher because obviously we don’t want a gas leak.
So waiting on the inspector. I’ll run downstairs and show you what we got down there.
All right, so here’s their main gas coming in. They got a two-pound line coming in, two pounds of pressure. Then it gets regulated down to a half a pound and gets broken off to all the appliances.
This is a fairly similar look to most houses. As you can see, we have it capped off here waiting for the inspector.
Once he comes, or she, we’ll hook it all up, and voila, they have a new gas line and a new gas range.
So if you have a project like this or any plumbing needs, one, click that subscribe button; two, give us a call at 651-362-2622, or look us up at
Thank you.
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We work Monday through Friday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturday: 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM. After hours emergency service is available. You can find us at 3670 Dodd Road in Eagan, MN 55123 during our open hours. You can also call us at (651) 365-1340 or email us.